Crime Stoppers South Australia plays an active role in media, promoting unsolved crimes and encouraging people to provide information anonymously with the option of a reward.
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Anyone who recognises the suspects, or has information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or make a report online.

CASE PROFILE – Brian Underwood
25/07/21 | Media Releases, Video
Today marks 30 years since the unsolved poisoning death of Brian Underwood. At about 4pm on Thursday, 25 July 1991,…

Crime Stoppers launches cybersafety learning module to help teachers better protect teen students online
19/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
While the global pandemic has seen Australians of all ages turn to the internet to stay better connected, recent research…

Case profile – Susan Goodwin
19/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
Susan Goodwin went missing from her Port Lincoln home on 19 July 2002 and was never seen again. The 39-year…

Case profile – Peter Timmermanis
19/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
Can you help solve the suspected murder of Peteris (Peter) Timmermanis? When he was first reported missing by his sister…

Nine News Adelaide notches up more than a decade of support to Crime Stoppers SA
19/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
Nine News Adelaide has committed to another 3-year extension as the media partner of Crime Stoppers SA, marking more than…
9 News Adelaide story celebrates our 25-year milestone
09/07/21 | Media Releases, Video
Since Crime Stoppers first started in the State on 8 July 1996, information provided by the public has helped to…

Crime Stoppers SA uses 25-year milestone in SA to thank the community
08/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
South Australia may have experienced a great deal of change over the last quarter of a century, but one thing…

07/07/21 | Article, Media Releases
Gail King was last seen alive at a home on the Yorke Peninsula she was renovating with her defacto husband…