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Appeal for information after Modesti disappearance declared a Major Crime

Posted on 24/05/2016

The disappearance of Beverley man Michael Modesti has been declared a Major Crime by South Australia Police.

Mr Modesti, 33, has not been seen or heard from since Sunday 8 May and his vehicle was found at West Croydon on Wednesday 11 May.

Detective Superintendent Des Bray, the officer in charge of the SA Police Major Crime Investigation Branch, said police believe Mr Modesti has most likely been murdered.

He detailed the missing man’s final known movements in a bid to trigger information from the community that might assist investigators.

Mr Modesti, who was devoted to his four-year-old son, was reported missing by his brother on 10 May.

On 11 May his dark blue 380 Magna sedan, SA registered XPC764, was located parked in Chenoweth Ave, West Croydon, near Torrens Road.

Detective Superintendent Bray said that Mr Modesti was known to police, having been in some trouble between 2002 and 2006.

He noted that other than that there was “minimal interaction” with police although a small number of cannabis seedlings were found at his house in 2014.

“Police have an open mind as to what may have happened but are investigating the possibility that in recent times he may have got involved with the wrong people again,” he said.

“The possibility of this being a drug related murder cannot be excluded.”


Tuesday 26 April

  • Mr Modesti flew to Bangkok, Thailand to attend a Building Expo and then went to Pataya
  • Considering establishing an import business for silicone for use by tilers
  • Unable to confirm whether he attended the Expo or who was involved with him in that venture

Friday 6 May

  • Mr Modesti returns to Adelaide
  • Upon arrival attends his partner’s place at Brooklyn Park then goes home
  • Partner attends with son and they stay for the weekend

Sunday 8 May

  • 1.19pm withdraws cash from ATM at Welland Plaza Shops and is seen on CCTV
  • 2.54pm his car sighted driving on North Tce, Adelaide near the Casino
  • 5.30pm he drops son home to Evanston Gardens
  • 7.30pm orders a pizza which is delivered
  • 10.45pm speaks to partner on phone and says going to bed

Monday 9 May

  • 3.15am a taxi camera shows his car is not in Chenoweth Ave
  • 5.30am a person walking sees car
  • 1.35pm the car is seen on the dashcam of passing car
  • Partner advises family of concerns for his safety and they attempt to locate Mr Modesti

Tuesday 10 May

  • His family have no contact with Mr Modesti and try to locate him
  • Family report to SA Police

Wednesday 11 May

  • Car found in Chenoweth Ave
  • Police search victim’s home.  It is found locked and secure with no sign of disturbance. His phone and wallet are there
  • His house and car are subject to forensic examination

Anyone with information that may assist police in their investigation of Mr Modesti’s disappearance is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online




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