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Criminals put on notice as national study shows people power delivers real results

Posted on 27/05/2019

To mark the 20-year milestone of having a Crime Stoppers program in every Australian State and Territory, an independent study has been released as part of National Crime Stoppers Day 2019 celebrations on Monday, 27th May.

The Impact Report shows 82% of all Australians feel safer knowing the program is in place across the country. The research also finds that 81% of Australians believe the option to remain anonymous when contacting the trusted information reporting channel, is a major drawcard.

Crime Stoppers Australia Chair, Ms Diana Forrester says: “These results underline the significant value Crime Stoppers offers in collecting information which helps to solve some of the nation’s most horrific and baffling crimes. It reinforces that people can make a significant difference by anonymously sharing what they know.”

“Australia is a culturally-rich and diverse nation – with the 2016 Census showing nearly half (49%) of all Australians had either been born overseas or had one or both parents born overseas – and this report underlines that Crime Stoppers is for everyone in the community,” Ms Forrester said.

“We have seen the devastation crime can bring when a blind eye is turned – within Australia, in neighbouring countries and around the world. Someone might be reluctant to speak up because they fear retaliation, are wary of police, or want to avoid becoming involved in legal proceedings. Crime Stoppers offers a safe solution because people can stay anonymous and share what they know,” she said.

In 2018, Crime Stoppers programs across the nation received 319,861 contacts via the hotline, website and other means, resulting in 145,442 information reports being raised and passed to police. The information those reports contained directly led to 5,406 apprehensions and more than 15,580 charges being laid.

In South Australia, in 2018 a total of 21,431 calls and 3,927 online contacts led to 12,127 reports being taken and 10,561 actions issued for investigation. That saw 822 apprehensions and 1266 charges laid for a wide variety of crimes as well as 5 clandestine laboratories shut down and 8 firearms seized.

Crime Stoppers SA Chair, Ms Sharon Hanlon, said the independently-commission Impact Report estimates the economic value of Crime Stoppers to Australia as $170m, with an additional $66m in added value from drugs being seized, property returned, and crimes being prevented.

“Every dollar invested in Crime Stoppers delivers an outstanding $11.15 in return value. That’s a great result for the 77% of Australians who actively want to help prevent crimes from happening – and reinforces that Crime Stoppers operates in a way that encourages, enables and supports community participation,” she said.

“For an organisation which prominently features a volunteer leadership base, these are great results thanks to the community, media outlets, our corporate and government program partners and our many volunteers.”

“As we celebrate Crime Stoppers Day 2019 we want people to know that everyone can play a part in making a safer community by sharing information about criminal activity with Crime Stoppers by calling our toll-free national hotline on 1800 333 000 or going to


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