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Dob in A Dealer campaign launches in SA

Posted on 04/05/2016


Time is up for drug dealers in SA, with Crime Stoppers South Australia (CSSA) launching the Dob in a Dealer campaign to target those manufacturing and distributing crystal methylamphetamine (‘ice’) and other illicit drugs. 

Launched in the Riverland on Monday, 2 May, the campaign will be rolled out across South Australia over the coming months as part of a national push to detect and disrupt drug dealing and distribution.

People are urged to contact Crime Stoppers to anonymously report any information relating to people who may be bringing harmful drugs into the local community.

“We know that drugs like ice or methylamphetamines are of serious concern to the community”, Crime Stoppers SA Chair, Ms Sharon Hanlon said.

“The community is well aware of the devastating effects of ice so we are asking all residents to help put a stop to the flow of drugs. Halting the spread of ice requires a whole-of-community response and Dob in a Dealer is specifically aimed at stopping the manufacture and supply of drugs.”

“Crime Stoppers is committed to working with SA Police, the media and local residents to gather information that can help to reduce drug supply and drug related crimes and help keep the community safe,” Ms Hanlon said.

“Local residents often hold the key to information that can help reduce crime, and we are asking people to play an active role and report those people that are manufacturing locally, or bringing harmful drugs into the community.

“Anyone making a report to Crime Stoppers can remain anonymous. You will never be identified or called up for a court case, but every piece of information you provide can help solve crimes and reduce supply.”

If you think you have information about someone in your community who is manufacturing or supplying drugs, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 for a confidential conversation or report securely online at


Non-residential serious criminal trespass and theft – Adelaide

05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video

About 3.30am on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 three people broke into a business on Currie Street, Adelaide. The two women…


Property Damage – Port Noarlunga South

05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video

Can you help identify a man who caused damage to a bus at Port Noarlunga South? About 10.50pm on Saturday…


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