Media Releases

Crime Stoppers South Australia plays an active role in media, promoting unsolved crimes and encouraging people to provide information anonymously with the option of a reward.

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SA Government announces funding commitment

Posted on 01/11/2020

We are excited to learn that the SA Government has shown its support of Crime Stoppers in South Australia by committing $200,000 indexed over four years!
As a charity run by volunteers this financial commitment will allow us to deliver important crime solving and education programs to the community.
It will also help to offset our operational costs, including our self-funded community reward payments.
Since Crime Stoppers first started in SA, more than 33,900 cases have been solved and nearly 22,100 apprehensions made on the back of more than 202,000 reports taken and nearly 184,000 Actions issued.
An average of 25 crimes continue to be solved each and every week as a direct result of information provided to Crime Stoppers.


Non-Residential Aggravated Serious Criminal Trespass & Theft – MILE END SOUTH

17/09/24 | Media Releases

Can you help solve a break-in on a Mile End South business? Just after 2.30am on Monday, 10 June, police…


Serious criminal trespass and theft – Prospect

11/09/24 | Article, Media Releases, Video

Can you help solve a break-in and theft at a Prospect business? Just after 3am on Monday, 25 March 2024,…


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or call 1800 333 000

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