Media Releases

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Serious Hit and Run Vehicle Collision

Posted on 28/02/2023

Serious Hit and Run Vehicle Collision

At approximately 4.10am on Tuesday 20 December 2022, Police and Ambulance attended the scene of a hit and run vehicle collision at Holden Hill, outside of the Holden Hill Police Station. A dark coloured SUV, possibly a Mazda station wagon was travelling in a south-easterly direction along Sudholz Road in the centre of 3 lanes when it was seen to collide with a pedestrian. As a result of the collision, a 25 year old man from Mitchell Park received serious injuries and was conveyed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital for treatment. Following the collision, the vehicle in question conducted a number of U-turns in the vicinity of where the accident occurred before it was last seen travelling north-east along North East Road Holden Hill.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online.


Theft – Goolwa

11/02/25 | Article, Media Releases, Video

Just after 9pm on Thursday, 3 October 2024, a man was caught on CCTV entering the gaming room of a…


Non-residential serious criminal trespass and theft – Adelaide

05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video

About 3.30am on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 three people broke into a business on Currie Street, Adelaide. The two women…


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