Unsolved Cases
CASE TYPE: Assault
LOCATION: Bus G20 - KW St City to Goodwood Rd Colonel Light Gardens
CASE DATE: July 8, 2014
14-67 Assault – Bus G20 City to Colonel Light Gardens
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or make a report online.
14-67 Assault – Bus G20 City to Colonel Light Gardens
Between 3.00 and 3.20 pm on Wednesday, 28th May 2014, a male and a female assaulted two bus passengers and acted in a disorderly manner on a G20 bus travelling from King William St in the City to Goodwood Road Colonel Light Gardens. Witnesses reported that they appeared drunk. The female assaulted a 15 yr old boy and was eventually pushed off the bus by another woman at stop 19 Goodwood Road. The male followed after her, being abusive, and assaulted an elderly man who was boarding the bus.
1. Female, Aboriginal, slim build, long curly hair which was tied up, wearing grey track pants, a peach coloured top and a black patterned jacket.
2. Male, Aboriginal, medium build, short thinning hair, full beard with grey/white around the edge, wearing a dark top with an ‘Everlast’ logo on the front, and blue jeans.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or by using the Provide Info Online button at the top of the page.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,
or make a report online.

14-86 Serious Criminal Trespass and Theft – Woolworths Hollywood Plaza
Case Type
Case Date
Salisbury Downs