Unsolved Cases

LOCATION: Adelaide
CASE DATE: February 14, 2018

“Make The Call, Cut the Supply, Stop The Hurt” ICE Campaign


Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or make a report online.



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“Make The Call, Cut the Supply, Stop The Hurt” ICE Campaign


Make the call, and help catch ICE dealers

Street level and darknet ICE dealers are two key targets of a new Crime Stoppers campaign – Make the Call, Cut the Supply, Stop the Hurt – launched today in partnership with SA Police and the State Government.

Australians – including many South Australians – are increasingly using online darknet marketplaces, social media and encrypted phone apps to buy and sell illicit drugs, with research showing that the nation is only second to the Netherlands when it comes to the number of online drug vendors per capita.

Ongoing waste water analysis by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission reports Adelaide recording the highest levels in the nation at almost 80 doses per 1,000 people every day.

As one element of an $8m investment to Stop the Hurt, the State Government has provided Crime Stoppers with funding to implement a community-based campaign designed to encourage people to provide anonymous information about street-level and online dealers and manufacturers.

The 6-month campaign, which targets metropolitan and regional communities, will include radio and TV advertising, online engagement, posters and regional roadshows.

Crime Stoppers SA Deputy Chair, Phil Vincent, says:Illicit drug use causes significant health, social and economic impacts to the community, and methamphetamine use in South Australia has tripled in the past four years.”

“Crime Stoppers, as the trusted, independent link between the community and police, is perfectly positioned to engage the community at a grass-roots level to report information under the assurance of anonymity.”

“People know what illegal activities are going on in their local community and are concerned about the growing ICE problem, and we encourage them to make the call – anonymously if they prefer – and help cut the supply of illegal drugs to stop the hurt.”

“To achieve meaningful reductions in methamphetamine in South Australia, especially ICE – its most potent and dangerous form – we need people to recognise the signs of suspicious drug activity, whether it is online or in the street, and contact Crime Stoppers with information to disrupt the insidious supply chain.”

If anyone has information about drug dealing and manufacturing, they can make the call to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at crimestopperssa.com.au

You can remain anonymous and rewards are available.



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