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42 year murder mystery of Peter Tilbrook

Posted on 24/05/2020

The year was 1978. Space Invaders was launched as the world’s first ever video arcade game. The hit movie, Grease, starring Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta, was released, and closer to home we saw Norwood beat Sturt in the SANFL Grand Final at Footy Park.

It was also the year that Adelaide teenager Peter Tilbrook was believed to have been shot and murdered.

It was about 7.17am on 24 May 1978 when the 19 year old’s body was found in a vehicle parked off the end of Grantham Road, Port Noarlunga.

He was sitting in the driver’s seat, slumped against the centre door pillar of the car.

A .22 calibre bolt action rifle was located to his left with the butt on the floor and the muzzle pointing to the roof of the car.

On 25 May 1978, a post-mortem examination established that Mr Tilbrook had suffered two gunshot wounds to the head.

The pathologist determined that either of the two shots would have proven fatal, and because of this finding the death of Mr Tilbrook is believed to be a murder.

A reward of up to $200,000 remains on offer for information that leads to a conviction in this case.


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