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Award-winning crime-fighting partnership continues with Nine News Adelaide
Posted on 15/08/2018
Nine News Adelaide will continue as the official TV partner of Crime Stoppers SA for another three years, drawing on the power of television to engage with South Australians to help solve some of the state’s most heinous crimes.
Crime Stoppers SA (CSSA) Chair, Ms Sharon Hanlon, welcomed the renewed commitment by Nine News Adelaide, saying the weekly crime segment, news stories, community service announcements and TV documentary specials played critical roles in profiling a range of unsolved murders and other serious crimes.
“Channel 9, and the Nine News Adelaide team in particular, have been long-standing supporters of the Crime Stoppers program and we are very excited to be continuing our relationship because we share the common vision of doing all we can to make South Australia a safer place to live,” Ms Hanlon said.
“This renewed 3-year agreement allows Crime Stoppers to tap into Nine’s extensive coverage area and use TV to spark people’s memories, plea for information, and encourage people to be brave enough to anonymously come forward with tips and information about crime,” she said.
Channel 9 Adelaide Managing Director, Mr Sean O’Brien, said the station placed great importance on actively contributing to a safer community through its continued support of the Crime Stoppers program.
“Crime and the fear of crime impacts on every South Australian and erodes the confidence of our state, and the Nine News team has thrown its full support behind the Crime Stoppers program to encourage people to come forward with information about criminals and illegal activity,” Mr O’Brien said.
“With an average of 25 crimes solved each and every week by information provided to Crime Stoppers, we are proud to give back to the community through this very special partnership that perfectly aligns with our own core values and community focus,” he said.
Nearly 19,500 calls were received by Crime Stoppers SA during the 2017 calendar year from people wanting to share information, resulting in a total of 911 apprehensions made.
PICTURE: Crime Stoppers SA Chair, Sharon Hanlon and Channel 9 Adelaide Managing Director, Mr Sean O’Brien, sign the renewed agreement at the 9 News studios in Adelaide.

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