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Call for information in poisoning murder of Brian Underwood

Posted on 25/07/2020

It is now 29 years since the unsolved poisoning death of Brian Underwood.

At about 4pm on Thursday, 25 July 1991, the 46-year old sales manager and father of two collapsed at his workplace in Carrington street Adelaide.

Mr Underwood was treated at the scene and conveyed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a critical condition.

He died later that evening about 6.30pm and a post-mortem revealed a lethal dose of potassium cyanide.

Police subsequently found a forged receipt for potassium cyanide in the possession of a woman who was formerly employed at Mr Underwood’s workplace.

She remains a person of interest.

Testing has determined that he was targeted by someone who had access to his workplace.

A reward up to $200,000 is on offer to anyone who provides information and assistance that leads to the conviction of the person or people responsible for his death.

No one has ever been charged over his death.

1800 333 000


Serious criminal trespass and theft – Prospect

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Property damage – Adelaide

27/08/24 | Article, Media Releases

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