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Reward offered for stolen EH Holden

Posted on 09/05/2018

Can you help in the recovery of a stolen 1964 EH Holden?

In conjunction with Crime Stoppers, a reward of up to $5,000 is being offered for information leading to the recovery of a green 1964 EH Holden station wagon stolen from a property on Lilydale Road, Underwood, Tasmania in mid to late March 2018.

The Holden was stolen along with a log splitter and other tools from an unattended shed off Lilydale Road near Barnards Road. This theft occurred between the afternoon of Saturday the 17th March and the afternoon of Friday the 23rd of March, however investigators believe the theft occurred around the evening of Thursday the 22nd March.

Worth about $25,000, the car also holds a great deal of value to the owner who bought the distinctive Holden in 1994 when he was just 19 years old. He had locked it away at the Lilydale Rd property in 2004 to preserve it.

The vehicle was purchased by the owner as his first car and it has a lot of sentimental value. At the time of the theft, the Holden was bearing registration plates CO4106.

Information can be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at


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