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Thanks for contributing to a safer South Australia, says Crime Stoppers SA
Posted on 15/05/2017
Some of South Australia’s most horrific crimes have been solved as a direct result of information provided anonymously to Crime Stoppers SA, and the well-known not-for-profit program has used the national ‘Crime Stoppers Day’ on Monday 15th May 2017 to say thanks.
Crime Stoppers SA Deputy Chair, Mr Phil Vincent, said police had made more than 19,000 apprehensions since the Crime Stoppers program was first launched in South Australia in 1996, and continued to achieve an array of significant results.
“During the 2016 calendar year Crime Stoppers received 22,661 calls and nearly 4,000 online reports through the website from people about a range of matters, and the information provided ultimately saw 895 apprehensions and 70 firearms seized,” Mr Vincent said.
“Last year information provided directly cleared a number of very serious crimes, including a murder, two robberies, four serious thefts, eleven firearms offences and 91 serious drug offences. In addition, one person was apprehended for child pornography matters and a wanted fugitive was tracked down and arrested on the run in Thailand and extradited back to Australia,” he said.
“Calls and online reports about drug growing, dealing and manufacturing continue to be significant, and suggest that the community clearly understands the damage that drugs are doing to their loved ones and lifestyle. Last year’s dedicated Dob in a Dealer campaign, funded by the Federal Government, and delivered at a grass-roots level in each state and territory, helped to encourage people to come forward with information.”
The number of drug seizures in the 2016 calendar year thanks to information provided to Crime Stoppers SA included:
- 1725 cannabis plants and about 163kg of cannabis;
- 8 clandestine labs;
- 7kg of amphetamine and 1789 ecstasy tablets
Additional 2016 results achieved from Crime Stoppers reports includes:
- 47 calls relating to Terrorism;
- 47 reports relating to the Coorong (Salt Creek) investigation;
- 264 reports over a 3-month period regarding to a string of attacks on women in Adelaide’s south east;
- 132 reports related to missing persons, 102 related to theft, 116 related to robberies and 180 related to assaults.
Mr Vincent said such outstanding results clearly demonstrated that the Crime Stoppers SA program remains a highly-successful intelligence gathering and crime solving initiative.
“We know that people contact Crime Stoppers because it is the trusted link between the community and police, and they understand that they can provide information about illegal activity and unsolved crimes anonymously, with the option of a reward,” Mr Vincent said.
“National Crime Stoppers Day is our opportunity to thank the South Australian public in particular for their help in achieving these outstanding results and ultimately taking an active role in helping to make the community safer,” he said.
As an independent community organisation and registered charity, Crime Stoppers South Australia relies on the generosity of businesses and individuals, and just as every piece of information assists to help solve crime, every dollar donated can also make a difference – supporting crime prevention and awareness programs across SA, as well as the Crime Stoppers rewards fund.
To make a tax-deductible donation to Crime Stoppers SA, visit
Anyone with information about a crime or criminal activities can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, by visiting or downloading the free “Report Suspicious Behaviour” app for iOS and Android phones.
About Crime Stoppers SA
Crime Stoppers began in South Australia in 1996 and since then has played a critical role in encouraging people to come forward with information that helps to solve crimes, and educate on topics such as property and personal safety, vehicle theft, and cyber safety.
The program encourages people to be alert and engaged participants in their community and provides a secure way for information about illegal activity and unsolved crimes to be reported to police through a toll-free hotline and a website that guarantees anonymity with the option of a reward. Crime Stoppers SA works with police, the media and the public to solve, reduce and prevent crime.

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