Unsolved Cases
CASE TYPE: Robbery
LOCATION: Prospect
CASE DATE: August 4, 2013
13-76 Aggravated Robbery – Subway Prospect
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or make a report online.
13-76 Aggravated Robbery – Subway Prospect

Police need help to identify a male who robbed a Subway Restaurant at Prospect twice in three days.
At about 6.10 pm on Saturday, 29th June, 2013 the above male entered the Subway Restaurant at 90 Main North Road, Prospect, armed with a knife and demanded money from an employee. The employee refused and ran into the ‘Staff Only’ area to get help. The male lent over the counter and took money from the till. He left on foot.
At about 7.45 pm on Tuesday, 2nd July, 2013, three days after the first robbery, the above male again entered the Subway Restaurant at Prospect, armed with a knife and stole a sum of money. He went behind the unattended counter and took money from the till, before entering the ‘Staff Only’ area where he confronted an employee. He left the restaurant and drove off in a white, late model Mitsubishi Triton with a canopy.
The male is described as: 35 years, 180-185 cm (5’11”-6’1″), slim-muscular build, Caucasian and clean shaven, wearing a dark jumper with a hood over a black baseball cap, dark pants, black sneakers and a stocking covering his face.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Make a Report online.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,
or make a report online.

13-64 Serious Criminal Trespass and Theft – Antique Stores
Case Type
Case Date