Media Releases

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End of financial year donations can help tackle regional crime

Posted on 26/05/2023

We’ve launched our End of Financial Year donation campaign, with a target to raise $20,000 to help tackle crime in regional and remote communities across the State.

As a trusted charity in South Australia for over 25 years, Crime Stoppers is calling on businesses and individuals to support its fundraising target to make a real difference in combating country crime.

Crime Stoppers SA CEO, Nigel Smart said just as every piece of information can help to solve crime, every dollar donated can also make a real difference.

“As a registered charity, Crime Stoppers relies on the goodwill and generosity of businesses and individuals to help make a difference. With the financial year rapidly coming to an end, there is opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation and help to make our regional communities safer,” Mr Smart said.

“A donation to Crime Stoppers will help us to deliver a statewide campaign to help fight country crime. We believe that a regional and rural campaign is of critical importance to every South Australian, whether they live or work in a country area or not. We know some regional and farming communities are already doing it tough, and becoming a victim of crime or having crime occur in these tight-knit communities has a major impact on public confidence,” he said.

“Patterns of offending suggest a high level of planning and organisation by a small group of repeat offenders who are most likely responsible for a significant amount of the higher value losses in terms of livestock and farm equipment.”

The campaign looks to raise $20,000 from community donations, with 100% of donated monies to be used to rollout a statewide campaign in partnership with police, industry and regional communities.

Crime Stoppers South Australia Inc. (Charity ABN 34 653 049 723) is officially recognised by the Commonwealth Government as a charity, so all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

You can make a a donation here. 


Non-residential serious criminal trespass and theft – Adelaide

05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video

About 3.30am on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 three people broke into a business on Currie Street, Adelaide. The two women…


Property Damage – Port Noarlunga South

05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video

Can you help identify a man who caused damage to a bus at Port Noarlunga South? About 10.50pm on Saturday…


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