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Plea for information on murder of Emily Wanganeen

Posted on 27/02/2020

It is thought that Emily Wanganeen was killed in a northern suburbs house before being loaded into a vehicle and finally left in an isolated gully at Hillbank.

Investigators believe her naked body was carried for several hundred metres to the site off Hilltop Rd next to the Boral quarry, where it lay for 14 weeks until two boys stumbled across her scattered remains.

Her clothing was found nearby.

The last confirmed sighting of the mother of four was on February 27, 2010, in the vicinity of Elizabeth South.

Most likely because of her transient lifestyle and the fact she had no fixed abode, she was only reported missing by family members on March 17.

A post-mortem examination was unable to determine her cause of death, but due to the surrounding circumstances this investigation has been declared a major crime.

Police have been unable to discount whether her suspected murder may have been connected to her drug habit and that she may have owed money to a dealer in the area.

One of the strongest leads in this case came via a call to Crime Stoppers in December 2016 in which the caller provided specific information relating to Ms Wanganeen’s death.

The information suggested she had been murdered by people associated with the drug scene and was killed at a particular location. That prompted a plea for the caller to again make contact to allow investigators to speak further, particularly about the vehicle that was used to transport her body after she was murdered

A reward of up to $200,000 remains on offer to anyone who provides information that leads to the conviction of the person or persons responsible for this suspected murder.


Non-Residential Aggravated Serious Criminal Trespass & Theft – MILE END SOUTH

17/09/24 | Media Releases

Can you help solve a break-in on a Mile End South business? Just after 2.30am on Monday, 10 June, police…


Serious criminal trespass and theft – Prospect

11/09/24 | Article, Media Releases, Video

Can you help solve a break-in and theft at a Prospect business? Just after 3am on Monday, 25 March 2024,…


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