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Spotlight on child victims for World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Posted on 30/07/2018

Every year, millions of children, women and men fall into the hands of traffickers, lured by fake promises and deceit.

Human trafficking has become a global multi-billion-dollar enterprise, affecting nearly every country in the world.

Monday, 30th July is World Day against Trafficking in Persons and this year the focus is on trafficking of children and young people.

Often victims are separated from their families because of humanitarian crises and armed conflict, with children and young people at greater risk.

Human traffickers are also misusing the Internet and new technologies to broaden their reach, using apps and chat rooms to exploit and abuse young people.

Nearly every country in the world has pledged to best protect children and young people by ending impunity for traffickers and ensuring that criminal justice responses safeguard the interests of children at every stage.

All of us have a responsibility to prevent and stop human trafficking, and protect the health, well-being and potential of all children.

More about the campaign can be found at


Serious criminal trespass and theft – Prospect

11/09/24 | Article, Media Releases, Video

Can you help solve a break-in and theft at a Prospect business? Just after 3am on Monday, 25 March 2024,…


Property damage – Adelaide

27/08/24 | Article, Media Releases

Your help is needed to identify a male who entered a car park on Frome Street, Adelaide at 10.50am on…


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