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Victory achieved at the 2024 Australian Fraud Awards
Posted on 14/03/2024
Crime Stoppers SA is overjoyed to share the exciting news that SAPOL’s Operation Measure achieved a back-to-back victory when it recently received the Best Retailer and Policing Collaboration Award for the second year running at the Australian Fraud Awards.
Since its inception in March 2022, Operation Measure has yielded outstanding results, leading to the apprehension of over 1000 individuals engaged in repeat and serious shop theft offences. This award is a testament to the collaboration between SAPOL, Crime Stoppers, retailers, loss prevention managers and security and operations managers.
The collaboration ensures those responsible for retail theft and other crimes are quickly identified, along with their offending patterns. Many of the investigations are complex, and see offenders arrested for a series of offences across multiple sites.
We were also shortlisted in the same award category in recognition of our partnership with Coles, which looks to prevent and solve retail crime in stores across South Australia to create safe shopping environments for customers and staff.
The Australian Fraud Awards are held in high regard amongst the retail and security industry and recognise exceptional performance on a national level.
Pictured: Inspector Julian Coram from SAPOL and Crime Stoppers SA CEO, Nigel Smart hold the award.

Non-residential serious criminal trespass and theft – Adelaide
05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video
About 3.30am on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 three people broke into a business on Currie Street, Adelaide. The two women…

Property Damage – Port Noarlunga South
05/02/25 | Media Releases, Video
Can you help identify a man who caused damage to a bus at Port Noarlunga South? About 10.50pm on Saturday…